Privacy Policy

Our Approach to the Subject

Given the complexity surrounding GDPR, we have decided to eliminate anything that fundamentally doesn’t matter much and requires your explicit consent to be used.

No analytics, third-party cookies, advertisements, and others...

Some of your information is transmitted through third-party services necessary for our organization. (Invoicing, order forms, payments...)

We do our best to protect the collected data and use it only for purely internal administrative purposes.


We do not use cookies.

Personal Information

During your order, we collect personal information simply to do our job.

Indeed, to fulfill our missions, the law requires us to collect the following information:

  • Customer’s name and telephone contact details
  • Date and time of the booking
  • Date, time, and location of the client pick-up

To send you all the information such as your reservation voucher and your invoice, we also collect your email.

Third Party Services

The management of the reservation service is entrusted to Kanev Web Development Limited registered in England and Wales #8902407. You are free to create an account to save time on your future orders or to order without storing your data. We can delete your account upon simple request as you can do it easily via your account.

To create your invoices, we use the services of Evoliz.

Payments are made through STRIPE (connected to the reservation platform), SUMUP for manual bookings, or GoCardless for account customers.


Insofar as we only keep information related to your orders through order forms and invoices, these are subject to our legal obligation to retain records for 10 years after the end of our fiscal year.

Partenaires SEO

VTC Marseille

Estimate / Booking